Early one morning, about a week before her surgery, Suzi's classmates and friends quietly covered her door with hearts. Each heart held a message of hope: tender words of encouragement, scriptures, hymns, pictures, poems, love, and compassion. She was very touched and moved the hearts to the wall outside her room where she can look at them often. To show our love and support, we are inviting people to add hearts to the wall. If you would like to add your support, you are welcome to bring one by the house (or use the hearts we have here) or please contact one of us for the address. You are also welcome to just send us a message and we can transfer it to a heart for you.

Thursday, September 5, 2013


Mom came home late last night.

She is happy to be home and resting in her bed.  I am happy to see her here.  She looks like she has been through a rough time, which she has, but her spirit and strength are shining through.  She has been able to get up and move around, moving from the bed to the couch.

This is the view she got as she walked to her room.  

The hearts have doubled.

She said to tell you all that they made her feel very happy and loved.   

I am so grateful for the encouragement and friendship. 

It is a little overwhelming...

...but the love can be felt.

Thank you!  There is a lot of room for more. :). 

For those of you who may be wanting to stop by to show your love and support, thank you.  You are welcome to stop by and visit.  I will let Mom rest and I will let her decide when she is ready to see people.  For a while, she won't be ready to see anyone, but she is grateful for you and so am I.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Wednesday morning update: more active

Suzi has been having a hard time with her feedings.  They have been working on adjusting and regulating the formula and the frequency.  According to Kay Marie, "we think we have it figured out.  I think she is turning the corner, she is more active today.

Good job, Mom!  Please keep her in your prayers!


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Heavenly Father is taking care of everything

"Suzi is sleeping for the first time today.  They removed the boot and redressed her leg, and they also uncovered the skin graft.  Ouch! is all I can say about it.  She had physical therapy.  She has so many things on her body that needs to heal.  Keep her mental and emotional health in your prayers.  She is using everything she has to recover.  She said today, 'Heavenly Father is taking care of everything.'  Her trust in Him is amazing."

Tuesday morning update

Dad came home last night.  He was exhausted and I wished I could go to work for him so that he could stay with mom.

She has been struggling a little with some nausea caused by her feeding tube feedings.  They are trying to regulate it for her, but seem to be having a little trouble finding a good balance for her.  She has been able to get out of bed and move to her chair and she has walked (with a walker) a little bit.  She is in good spirits, as usual, and they have given her some good pain medication which, according to Dad, has made for some pretty funny moments.  

Her sister, Kay Marie, is there with her now and she sent me this update this morning:

"Suzi is doing better.  They slowed down the tube feedings and tried a different med for nausea.  The big challenge today is to get adequate nutrition in her.  She will be putting full weight on her leg for the first time.  Also, they will be uncovering where the skin graft was taken; the doc said it will hurt.  These are her challenges you can pray about.

She said she dreamed in Australian last night.  :)  Sounds fun!  Our love to all, Suzi and KM."

Thank you all for your love, prayers, and support.  I have received some emails and comments, which I will be sure to pass on to Mom.  She feels your love and prayers.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Monday morning's update

From Dad:  "Mom had a long night with a bad headache and nausea but she's doing well now.  They removed her trach and are talking about giving her a walking boot."

Sleeping like a baby

Here is an update that my aunt posted on Facebook last night:

"Just received this last update on Suzi...She had a good night and today she had a nice sponge bath and got her hair washed; that alone perked her up.  The trach was downsized and the last drain will be removed.  They are starting PT today.  She was moved into intermediate care.  The trach was capped so she can talk, not loud but very quietly which was music to the ears.  Was able to walk to the bathroom with the aid of a walker, but isn't allowed to put full weight on the leg they took the bone from.  She was exhausted but is in good spirits and sends her love and thanks to everyone.  Now I can go to bed and get a good night's rest without worrying.  I know that she is being well cared for and is gently wrapped in Heavenly Father's arms."

My dad sent a similar text last night, but not so many words.  His concluded with these simple words: "Sleeping like a baby."

Sunday, September 1, 2013

A busy morning

This text made me really happy.

"Mom's had a busy morning.  They got her to stand with a walker, gave her a bath, downsized her trach, and moved her out of ICU (yay!).  She is doing well, but still really tired."

I have been very moved, once again, by the outpouring of love for Mom that I have been privileged to witness today.  So many people stopped me at church to ask how she is doing, and how I am doing, but mostly to tell me how much they love her.  

"She is one of the strongest people I know."

"I love your mother so much."

"She is a super human."

"She is at the top of my list of great people."

"Tell your mom we are praying for her and that we love her.  She means so much to us."

I agree with them all.  She is one of the most beautiful people I know and I am so lucky to be her daughter.  

I know Dad has been reading her some of these blogs, so...

Mom:  We love you.  So many people love you.  We are inspired by you, by your courage and bravery as you fight to keep moving forward.  You can do really hard things.  We are grateful to have you in our lives.  You are a light in this tough world.